Artist Statement

I use mixed media and artistic practices such as printmaking, painting, and occasionally metalwork, to better understand myself and other’s emotions. Everyone’s perspective within an experience or moment in time is unique.

In my work I employ multiple perspectives within one picture plane, use vast ranges of color, variety of textures, and repetition or reflection, to evoke the vast experiences that make each person who they are. I believe that life is a paradox and a conjugation of emotions that can cause confusion. Therefore, I choose to use several perspectives, to not only show the many aspects of a person, but to create disorientation. Color theory is another characteristic that I continue to explore and manipulate to convey strong feelings.

The imagery is inspired by our surrounding environment. Personally, landscapes play a large role in memory; a location can conjure specific memories and the emotions that are intertwined with those thoughts. My work sits on the line of representation and abstractions because I find some emotions to be better explained by color, repetition, and shape.